
This data set is designed for testing indexing schemes in time series databases. It is a much larger dataset than has been used in any published study (That we are currently aware of). It contains one million data points. The data has been split into 10 sections to facilitate testing (see below). We recommend building the index with 9 of the 100,000-datapoint sections, and randomly extracting a query shape from the 10th section. (Some previously published work seems to have used queries that were also used to build the indexing structure. This will produce optimistic results) The data are interesting because they have structure at different resolutions. Each of the 10 sections where generated by independent invocations of the function: (see equation.gif) Where rand(x) produces a random integer between zero and x. The data appears highly periodic, but never exactly repeats itself. This feature is designed to challenge the indexing structure. The time series are ploted here: (ts1-5.gif), (ts6-10.gif)

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