
96 Datasets


User Identification From Wa...

The dataset collects data from an Android smartphone positioned in the chest pocket. Accelerometer Data are collected from 22 participants walking in th...

univariate, classification, clustering, sequential, time-series

Activity Recognition from S...

--- The dataset collects data from a wearable accelerometer mounted on the chest --- Sampling frequency of the accelerometer: 52 Hz --- Acceler...

univariate, classification, clustering, sequential, time-series

Gesture Phase Segmentation

The dataset is composed by features extracted from 7 videos with people gesticulating, aiming at studying Gesture Phase Segmentation. Each video is repr...

classification, clustering, sequential, time-series, multivariate

Bach Choral Harmony

Pitch classes information has been extracted from MIDI sources downloaded from (JSB Chorales)[[Web Link]]. Meter information has been computed through t...

classification, sequential


Background information: The data set concerns the earliest history of mankind. Prehistoric men created the desired shape of a stone tool by striking on ...

multivariate, classification, clustering, causal-discovery

Tennis Major Tournament Mat...


regression, multivariate, classification, clustering

Sentence Classification

Please see the README file that accompanies the data.

text, classification

Geographical Original of Music

The dataset was built from a personal collection of 1059 tracks covering 33 countries/area. The music used is traditional, ethnic or `world' only, as c...

regression, multivariate, classification


The data consist of 16 binary inputs and one 'four-bit' one-hot classification output. The 16-bit inputs are binary-valued attack-point vectors. 1 indic...

multivariate, classification

Sentiment Labelled Sentences

This dataset was created for the Paper 'From Group to Individual Labels using Deep Features', Kotzias et. al,. KDD 2015 Please cite the paper if you wan...

text, classification