Large, metadata-rich, open source dataset on Kaggle that can be good for people experimenting with hybrid recommendation systems.
rankingThe Webcam Interestingness dataset consists of 20 different webcam streams, with 159 images each. It is annotated with interestingness ground truth, acq...
video, interest, retrieval, classification, weather, ranking, webcamThe database of nude and non-nude videos contains a collection of 179 video segments collected from the following movies: Alpha Dog, Basic Instinct, Bef...
video, nude detection, movieUT Zappos50K (UT-Zap50K) is a large shoe dataset consisting of 50,025 catalog images collected from The images are divided into 4 major cate...
fine-grained, shoes, local learning, pairwise comparison, ranking, attributesMovie ratings dataset from the Movielens website, in various sizes ranging from demo to mid-size.
rankingThe Buffy dataset contains images selected from the TV series, Buffy: the Vampire Slayer. We select a set of 452 images from the first two episodes for ...
segmentation, human, buffy, movie, object detectionMusic recommendation dataset with access to underlying social network and other metadata that can be useful for hybrid systems.
ranking: From the Book-Crossing community. Contains 278,858 users providing 1,149,780 ratings about 271,379 books.