The Mythological Creatures consists of articulated shapes (silhouettes) for partial similarity experiments and contains 15 shapes: 5 humans, 5 horses and 5 centaurs. Each shape differs by an articulation and additional parts. The shapes are defined by a binary mask outlining the objects. Download Mythological creatures 2D database v1.0
The Kimia 216 has 18 classes each consisting of 12 images. It contains shapes silhouettes for birds, bones, brick, camels, car, children, classic cards,...
binary, shape retrieval, matching, animal, kimiaThe Tools 2D dataset from Bronstein, Bronstein, Bruckstein, and Kimmel [?] for partial similarity experiments and consists of 15 shapes: 5 humans, 5 hor...
matching, binary, shape retrieval, partialDetail 2D Projection DataSet is a database of 2d projections of mechanical details with holes. The dataset consists of 13 shape categories where each ca...
binary, shape retrieval, holes, detail, matchingThe SIID silhouette dataset contains... and is from the Shape Indexing of Image Database (SIID). Download SIID silhouette dataset http://www.lems.bro...
matching, binary, shape retrievalHumans have used sketching to depict our visual world since prehistoric times. Even today, sketching is possibly the only rendering technique readily av...
image retrieval, shape retrieval, partial, matching, sketchWe introduce a benchmark for evaluating the performance of large scale sketch-based image retrieval systems. The necessary data is acquired in a control...
image retrieval, shape retrieval, partial, matching, sketchMPEG-7 Core Experiment CE-Shape-1 [?] is a popular database for shape matching evaluation consisting of 70 shape categories, where each category is repr...
matching, binary, shape retrieval, bullseyeThe Kimia 25 consists of 6 classes and 25 images. They are part of the Shape Indexing of Image Database (SIID) project, which also contains the SIID sil...
matching, binary, kimia, shape retrievalThe Kimia 99 has 9 classes each consisting of each 11 images. They are part of the Shape Indexing of Image Database (SIID) project, which also contains ...
matching, binary, kimia, shape retrievalThe Wide (multiple) Baseline Dataset. 31 image pairs, simultaneously combining several nuisance factors: geometry, illumination, IR-visible, etc. WxBS...
description, night, viewpoint, matching, feature, detection, day, ir15 wide baseline stereo image pairs with large viewpoint change, provided ground truth homographies. Image size (~1000x700 pixels, RGB) D. Mishkin a...
description, wide baseline stereo, detection, viewpoint, matching, featureThe 3D shape description dataset consists of multiple sub-datasets Descriptor Matching - Dataset 1 & 2 (Stanford) These datasets, created from some o...
description, 3d, benchmark, registration, reconstruction, shape, matchingThe Symmetry set dataset is a collection of images at different illuminations for the purpose of image matching using local symmetry features. Image M...
urban, matching, lighting, image, illumination, building, feature, symmetryGeneralized Dual Bootstrap-ICP Algorithm
matching, panorama, image registrationThe PASCAL VOC Challenge datasets by Mark Everingham is a yearly dataset which has a central evaluation server and the final test data is not released. ...
chair, object detection, building, object segmentation, pedestrian, object pose, animal, car, airplaneThe VidPairs dataset contains 133 pairs of images, taken from 1080p HD (~2 megapixel) official movie trailers. Each pair consists of images of the same ...
matching, dense, video, flow, description, patch, pair, opticalThis material is supplementary to Michael Stark, Bernt Schiele. How Good are Local Features for Classes of Geometric Objects. Eleventh IEEE Internat...
object, binary, tool, classification, shapeMultispectral Imaging (MSI) datasets were acquired using IRIS II which is a lightweight portable system comprising of a high resolution camera, a novel ...
illumination, wavelength, registration, alignment, matching, groundtruth, multi-spectralThe Babenko tracking dataset contains 12 video sequences for single object tracking. For each clip they provide (1) a directory with the original i...
face, video, single, occlusion, object tracking, animalThe Extreme Zoom Dataset. EZD is a 6 image sets with incleasing zoom factor from general scene view to focusing on single detail. MODS: Fast and Robus...
description, detection, zoom, viewpoint, matching, featureThe Fish4Knowledge project ( is pleased to announce the availability of 2 subsets of our tropical coral reef fish video and e...
motion, nature, recognition, fish, video, water, classification, animal, cameraThe TU Berlin Multi-Object and Multi-Camera Tracking Dataset (MOCAT) is a synthetic dataset to train and test tracking and detection systems in a virtua...
evaluation, multi-view, pedestrian, animal, tracking, multi-class, vehicle, detection, syntheticThe Western GCO Segmentation problem instances are provided to compare effects of graph size, neighborhood size, length of s to t paths, regional arc co...
face, adhead, abdomen, liver, binary, medical, segmentation, optimization, bone, babyfaceThe Compact Descriptors for Visual Search Patches Dataset (CDVS) is a dataset comprised of pairwise image patches. MPEG is a standard titled Compact De...
descriptor, mpeg, patch, retrieval, matching, feature Related Datasets TUM RGB-D Dataset: Indoor dataset captured with Microsoft Kinect and high-ac...
urban path 3d reconstruction, registration, navigation, localization, matching, slam, odometryThe 3DVis dataset includes a set of 12 heterogeneous scenes for testing 3D scene registration and analysis methods. Models include homogeneous shapes, r...
3d, registration, reconstruction, shape, matching, symmetryThis is the database of biological images (from the genetics model system, Drosophila melanogaster, a fruit fly) across multiple levels of variation. ...
classification, fly, biology, animal, variation, geneticThe CMP map2photo dataset consists of 6 pairs, where one image is satellite photo and second image is a map of the same area. The task is to match thes...
sensing, baseline, matching, description, map, feature, remote, detection, wideThis dataset provides a collection of web images and 3D models for research on landmark recognition (especially for methods based on 3D models). We hope...
codebook, reconstruction, matching, recognition, retrieval, 3d, classification, feature, flickr, landmarkThe CALTECH 101 Category Patch Pairs dataset measures invariance to intra-category variation. The dataset contains a training set and testing set of im...
binary, feature matching, pair, feature descriptionThe Leeds Cows dataset by Derek Magee consists of 14 different video sequences showing a total of 18 cows walking from right to left in front of differe...
video, segmentation, detection, cow, animal, backgroundThe ETHZ Shape classes dataset from Vittorio Ferrari [?] consists of five object classes and a total of 255 images. All classes contain significant intr...
clutter, swan, bottle, matching, nature, object detection by shape, mug, giraffe, segmentation, applelogoThe YACCLAB dataset includes both synthetic and real binary images and is suitable for a wide range of applications, ranging from document processing to...
fingerprints, videosurveillance, text, binary, medical, natural, labeling, randomnoise