
The Babenko tracking dataset contains 12 video sequences for single object tracking. For each clip they provide (1) a directory with the original image sequence (2) a [name]_frames.txt file that contains the frame number of the first and last frame of the sequence (3) a [name]_gt.txt file that contains ground truth object locations; each line corresponds to a frame, and contains the "x,y,width,height"; Note that this information is only available for 1 in every 5 frames, the rest is filled with 0s, (4) MILTrack restults for 5 trials in the same format as above. The video sequences are named: Tiger 2 Tiger 1, Coupon Book, Twinings, Cliff Bar, Surfer, Occluded Face, Occluded Face 2, Sylverster, David Indoor, Girl, Coke Can For references see and cite: Robust Object Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning Boris Babenko, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Serge Belongie IEEE TPAMI 2011 Visual Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning Boris Babenko, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Serge Belongie (Oral) CVPR 2009

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