The Tiny Images dataset consists of 79,302,017 images, each being a 32x32 color image. This data is stored in the form of large binary files which can be accesed by a Matlab toolbox that we have written. You will need around 400Gb of free disk space to store all the files. In total there are 5 files that need to be downloaded, 3 of which are large binary files consisting of (i) the images themselves; (ii) their associated metadata (filename, search engine used, ranking etc.); (iii) Gist descriptors for each image. The other two files are the Matlab toolbox and index data file that together let you easily load in data from the binaries.
The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test ima...
object, color, patch, scene, tiny, image classificationOur repetitive pattern dataset with 106 images of app. 30 buildings from Pankrac, Prague and Marseille appearing in more than one image, number of appea...
image retrieval, urban, symmetry, repetition, image classificationSheffield Building Image Dataset consists of over 3,000 low-resolution images of forty different buildings typically between 70 and 120 images per buil...
image retrieval, image classification, urban, sheffieldThe COIL-100 (Columbia University Image Library) consists of 100 objects. For formal documentation look at the corresponding compressed technical report...
image retrieval, image classificationThe UK Bench dataset from Henrik Stewenius and David Nister contains 10200 images of N=2550 groups with each four images at size 640x480. The images are...
image retrieval, object, rotation, centeredThe Aachen dataset consists of 4479 images taken with multiple cameras (3GB), 369 query images taken with the camera of a mobile phone together with the...
image retrieval, 3d reconstruction, aachen, sfm, landmarkRobust Multi-Person Tracking from Mobile Platforms In all cases, data was recorded using a pair of AVT Marlins F033C mounted on a chariot respectively...
tracking, pedestrian, color, sequenceThe Oxford Buildings dataset by James Philbin and Andrew Zisserman consists of 5062 images collected from Flickr by searching for particular Oxford land...
image retrieval, urban, oxford, landmarkWe introduce a benchmark for evaluating the performance of large scale sketch-based image retrieval systems. The necessary data is acquired in a control...
image retrieval, shape retrieval, partial, matching, sketchThe Zurich Building dataset (ZuBud) from Hao Shao, Tomas Svoboda and Luc Van Gool [?] contains 1005 images with 201 buildings each in five views. There ...
image retrieval, urban, procedural, rectificationFERG-DB is a database of stylized characters with annotated facial expressions. The database contains multiple face images of six stylized characters. T...
facial expressions, joy, cardinal classification, deep learning, stylization, animation, fear, human transfer, face, disgust, neutral, anger, annotation emotion, surprise, sad, image retrieval, facial expressionThe Kendall Square webcam dataset consists of two streams for one sunny day and one cloudy day of a city square. It is used for tracking and analyzing c...
color, change, appearance, weather, detection, webcam, skyThe Multi-illuminant Image Sequences dataset contains 16 video sequences (13 with single light source and 3 with two global light sources), recorded wi...
constancy, color, white, chromaticity, physics, nature, dichromatic, illumination, object, balance, lightThe Paris500k dataset consists of 501,356 geotagged images collected from Flickr and Panoramio. The dataset was collected from a geographic bounding box...
panoramio, paris, image retrieval, 3d reconstruction, geotag, flickr, landmark, sfmThe Paris dataset consists of 6412 images. Images have high resolution and are in JPEG format.
image retrieval, urban, landmark, parisZuBuD+, created in February 2017 by Federico Magliani (University of Parma), introduces many query images balancing the class evaluated from the previou...
building, image retrieval, urban, landmarkThe CALTECH 101 dataset by Li Fei-Fei contains images for 101 categories with about 40 to 800 images per category. Most categories have about 50 images ...
object, natural-image, centered, scene, image classificationHumans have used sketching to depict our visual world since prehistoric times. Even today, sketching is possibly the only rendering technique readily av...
image retrieval, shape retrieval, partial, matching, sketchTo evaluate our method we designed a new ground truth database of 50 images. The following zip-files contain: Data, Segmentation, Labelling - Lasso, Lab...
background, color, optimization, boundingbox, image segmentationThe ImageNET dataset is the latest dataset by Li Fei-Fei containing various dataset ranging from 1000 to 10000 categories.
image classification, object segmentation, retrievalThe multi-modal/multi-view datasets are created in a cooperation between University of Surrey and Double Negative within the EU FP7 IMPART project. Th...
rgbd, color, dynamic, multi-view, action, outdoor, video, 3d, face, emotion, lidar, human, indoor, multi-mode, modelThe KU Leuven Facade dataset is used for architectural styles classification. M. Mathias, A. Martinovic, J. Weissenberg, S. Haegler, L. Van Gool: Auto...
image classification, urban, architecture, procedural reconstructionDaimler Multi-Cue, Occluded Pedestrian Classification Benchmark Training and test samples have a resolution of 48 x 96 pixels with a 12-pixel border a...
image classification, urban, pedestrian, object detectionCMP Dataset by Ondra Chum contains 5 million images collected from the internet.
image retrieval, urban, large scale