The MIT + CMU frontal face dataset from H. Rowley contains 130 images with 507 labeled frontal faces from movie, portrait and media sources. It is mostly grayscale (some even only black and white), and contains from zero to more than a dozen faces. Figure 9. ROC curves for our face detector on the MIT + CMU test set. The detector was run once using a step size of 1.0 and starting scale of 1.0 (75,081,800 sub-windows scanned) and then again using a step size of 1.5 and starting scale of 1.25 (18,901,947 sub-windows scanned). In both cases a scale factor of 1.25 was used. images with 507 labeled frontal faces. test images for the face detection task, provided by Henry A. Rowley
The 3D Mask Attack Database (3DMAD) is a biometric (face) spoofing database. It currently contains 76500 frames of 17 persons, recorded using Kinect for...
face, emotion, segmentation, 3d, recognition, biometry, frontviewFERG-DB is a database of stylized characters with annotated facial expressions. The database contains multiple face images of six stylized characters. T...
facial expressions, joy, cardinal classification, deep learning, stylization, animation, fear, human transfer, face, disgust, neutral, anger, annotation emotion, surprise, sad, image retrieval, facial expressionMIT Pedestrian dataset from Papageorgiou and Poggio [IJCV2000] contains 509 training and 200 test images of pedestrians in city scenes (plus left-right ...
urban, pedestrian, boundingbox, frontview, people, object detectionSince the publicly available face image datasets are often of small to medium size, rarely exceeding tens of thousands of images, and often without age ...
face, age, wikipedia, imdb, recognition, detection, biometryA New Color Image Database for Benchmarking of Face Detection Techniques and Human Skin Segmentation Techniques. A new color face image database for ...
face, segmentation, skin, detection, benchmarkingA large dataset of geotagged face images collected from Flickr. The zip file contains text files containing urls of the images. Face2GPS: Estimating G...
gender, face, geotagged, classification, age, localization, humanWe collected a video dataset, termed ChokePoint, designed for experiments in person identification/verification under real-world surveillance conditions...
face, real, human, recognition, world, pedestrian, identification, clustering, multiview, surveillance, detection, sequenceThe Notre Dame de Paris dataset used for 3D SfM reconstruction and contains 715 images provided by Noah Snavely. There are also version for NotreDame...
paris, pointcloud, frontview, limited, 3d reconstruction, 3d, flickr, landmark, sfmThe FaceScrub dataset comprises a total of 107818 unconstrained face images of 530 celebrities crawled from the Internet, with about 200 images per pers...
face, celebrity, detection, people, recognition, humanThis dataset contains 12,995 face images which are annotated with (1) five facial landmarks, (2) attributes of gender, smiling, wearing glasses, and hea...
face, landmark detection, deep learning, detection, attribute, cnnThe INRIA People dataset from Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs [DalalCVPR2005] consists of training and testing data. The training contains 1805 images and...
pedestrian, sideview, boundingbox, frontview, object detection, humanWelcome to the homepage of the gvvperfcapeva datasets. This site serves as a hub to access a wide range of datasets that have been created for projects ...
face, reconstruction, depth, mesh, human, action, video, pose, multiview, trackingThe Yale Face dataset from A. Georghiades contains 5760 single light source images of ten subjects, each shown in 9 poses and 64 illumination setups (le...
illumination, face detection, pedestrian, pose estimationThe Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild (AFLW) consists of a large-scale collection of annotated face images gathered from the web, exhibiting a larg...
face, annotation, detection, age, landmark, poseThe multi-modal/multi-view datasets are created in a cooperation between University of Surrey and Double Negative within the EU FP7 IMPART project. Th...
rgbd, color, dynamic, multi-view, action, outdoor, video, 3d, face, emotion, lidar, human, indoor, multi-mode, modelWIDER FACE dataset is a large-scale face detection benchmark dataset with 32,203 images and 393,703 face annotations, which have high degree of variabil...
face, scale, detection, pose, occlusionPN Learning - How does TLD work? Tracking estimates the object location as long as the object is visible. During tracking all observed patterns of the...
face, pedestrian, singletarget, learning, bike, object trackingIdiap/ETHZ Faces and Poses Dataset dataset by L. Jie, B. Caputo and V. Ferrari contains 1703 image-caption pairs. [author] Captions contain the names of...
face detection, pedestrian, text, object poseThe Babenko tracking dataset contains 12 video sequences for single object tracking. For each clip they provide (1) a directory with the original i...
face, video, single, occlusion, object tracking, animalThe PETS 2009 dataset contains 3 parts showing multi-view sequences containing pedestrians walking in an outdoor environment. The parts are used for per...
overlap, human, frontview, occlusion multitarget, outdoor, pedestrian, tracking, detectionThe PETS 2006 dataset contains 7 parts showing multi-sensor sequences containing left-luggage scenarios with increasing scene complexity at a train stat...
pedestrian, indoor, frontview, object tracking, object detection, multitargetThe Western GCO Segmentation problem instances are provided to compare effects of graph size, neighborhood size, length of s to t paths, regional arc co...
face, adhead, abdomen, liver, binary, medical, segmentation, optimization, bone, babyfacePOS Labeled Faces in the Wild, a collection of face which is proposed for studying face identification in unconstrained environment, its purpose is serv...
face, recognition, wild, identification, registrationA communal biometrics framework supporting the development of open algorithms and reproducible evaluations. OpenBR is a framework for investigating new...
face detection, biometric, age estimation, gender estimationDatabase contains 798 images of 114 persons, with 7 images per person and is freely available for research purposes. All images were taken in supervised...
face, person, human, lighting, recognition, illumination, pedestrian, biometryThe FAce Semantic SEGmentation (FASSEG) repository contains datasets for multi-class semantic face segmentation. The FASSEG repository is composed by ...
face, segmentationThe Our Database of Faces (ORL) dataset contains ten different images of each of 40 distinct subjects. For some subjects, the images were taken at diffe...
illumination, face, recognition, human, expression