The PETS 2009 dataset contains 3 parts showing multi-view sequences containing pedestrians walking in an outdoor environment. The parts are used for person counting and density estimation, people tracking and flow analysis with event recognition. The calibration data for the eight different cameras is available on the website. The dataset contains a set of training images for background, city center and regular flow of people training data. The person counting sequence is the most commonly used for pedestrian detection and contains 875 images. The images are split into three regions of interest: full image, upper left street, lower right street and are used for density estimation. The typical selected sequence consists of 188 frames and 4307 people and is highly crowded and thus very challenging. It was used by Sternig et al. (AVSS) and Stalder et al. [18]. These works assume ground plane information and incorporate additional 3D tracking.
The KTH Multiview Football dataset contains 771 images of football players includes images taken from 3 views at 257 time instances 14 annotated body jo...
recognition, soccer, outdoor, object, pedestrian, game, pose, multiview, tracking, camera, multitarget, detectionThe ICG Multi-Camera and Virtual PTZ dataset contains the video streams and calibrations of several static Axis P1347 cameras and one panoramic video fr...
graz, outdoor, video, object, panorama, pedestrian, network, crowd, multiview, tracking, camera, multitarget, detection, calibrationThe High Definition Analytics (HDA) dataset is a multi-camera High-Resolution image sequence dataset for research on High-Definition surveillance: Pedes...
high-definition, benchmark, human, lisbon, indoor, video, re-identification, pedestrian, network, multiview, tracking, surveillance, camera, detectionThe TUD Crossing dataset from Micha Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele consists of 201 images with 1008 highly overlapping pedestrians with signif...
urban, sideview, overlap, segmentation, pedestrian, tracking, multitarget, detectionThe UrbanStreet dataset used in the paper can be downloaded here [188M] . It contains 18 stereo sequences of pedestrians taken from a stereo rig mounted...
urban, human, recognition, video, pedestrian, segmentation, tracking, multitarget, detectionThe TU Berlin Multi-Object and Multi-Camera Tracking Dataset (MOCAT) is a synthetic dataset to train and test tracking and detection systems in a virtua...
evaluation, multi-view, pedestrian, animal, tracking, multi-class, vehicle, detection, syntheticThe ICG Multi-Camera datasets consist of Easy Data Set (just one person) Medium Data Set (3-5 persons, used for the experiments) Hard Data Set (cro...
graz, indoor, video, object, pedestrian, multiview, tracking, camera, multitarget, detection, calibrationWe collected a video dataset, termed ChokePoint, designed for experiments in person identification/verification under real-world surveillance conditions...
face, real, human, recognition, world, pedestrian, identification, clustering, multiview, surveillance, detection, sequenceThe crowd datasets are collected from a variety of sources, such as UCF and data-driven crowd datasets. The sequences are diverse, representing dense cr...
video, pedestrian, scene, crowd, human, understanding, anomaly, detectionThe ICG Lab 6 (Multi-Camera Multi-Object Tracking) dataset contains 6 indoor people tracking scenarios recorded at our laboratory using 4 static Axis P1...
evaluation, graz, object, laboratory, pedestrian, segmentation, multiview, tracking, camera, detection, calibrationThe INRIA People dataset from Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs [DalalCVPR2005] consists of training and testing data. The training contains 1805 images and...
pedestrian, sideview, boundingbox, frontview, object detection, humanThe QMUL Junction dataset is a busy traffic scenario for research on activity analysis and behavior understanding. Video length: 1 hour (90000 frame...
video, motion, pedestrian, crowd, counting, tracking, detection, behaviorThe CVC Partial Occlusion Virtual Pedestrian datasets (CVC-01 to CVC-06) cover a range of scenarios of occluded pedestrians generated in a virtual and r...
urban, pedestrian, classification, synthetic, occlusion, tracking, detectionThe Mall dataset was collected from a publicly accessible webcam for crowd counting and profiling research. Ground truth: Over 60,000 pedestrians wer...
video, pedestrian, crowd, counting, tracking, detection, indoor, webcamThe Daimler Mono Pedestrian Detection Benchmark dataset contains a large training and test set. The training set contains 15.560 pedestrian samples (ima...
object, mono, urban, pedestrian, outdoor, scale, detectionThe PASCAL VOC is augmented with segmentation annotation for semantic parts of objects. For example, for the person category, we provide segmentation ma...
part, human, recognition, object, pedestrian, segmentation, pascal, detection, semanticThe Where Who Why (WWW) dataset provides 10,000 videos with over 8 million frames from 8,257 diverse scenes, therefore offering a superior comprehensive...
recognition, video, flow, pedestrian, crowd, surveillance, optical, detectionThe Traffic Video dataset consists of X video of an overhead camera showing a street crossing with multiple traffic scenarios. The dataset can be down...
video, urban, traffic, road, overhead, tracking, view, detectionThe Stanford 40 Actions dataset contains images of humans performing 40 actions. In each image, we provide a bounding box of the person who is performin...
recognition, human, detection, action, boundingboxChairGest is an open challenge / benchmark. The task consists in spotting and recognizing gestures from multiple synchronized sensors: 1 Kinect and 4 X...
gesture, detection, benchmark, kinect, recognition, humanThe Freiburg-Berkeley Motion Segmentation Dataset (FBMS-59) is an extension of the BMS dataset with 33 additional video sequences. A total of 720 frames...
motion, benchmark, video, object, pedestrian, segmentation, tracking, groundtruthWe share our omnidirectional and panoramic image dataset (with annotations) to be used for human and car detection. Please reach through: http://cvrg.i...
panorama, detection, car, omnidirection, recognition, humanThe Longterm Pedestrian dataset consists of images from a stationary camera running 24 hours for 7 days at about 1 fps. It used for adaptive detection ...
coffee, graz, background, indoor, illumination, change, pedestrian, robust, multitarget, detectionThe Semantic Description of Human Activities (SDHA) was a contest at ICPR 2010. The contest is composed of three different types of activity recognit...
trajectory, pedestrian, occlusion, crowd, object tracking, overlap, aerial, object detectionRobust Multi-Person Tracking from Mobile Platforms In all cases, data was recorded using a pair of AVT Marlins F033C mounted on a chariot respectively...
tracking, pedestrian, color, sequenceThe PETS 2016 IPATCH dataset contains a set of fourteen multi camera recordings (visible, themal) collected off the coast of Brest, France, in collabora...
visible, thermal, multimodal, vessel, maritime, boat, gps, tracking, detection, radarDataset contains 1000 images of 100 persons, with 10 images per person and is freely available. All images were acquired by cropping ears from images fr...
person, pedestrian, ear, recognition, human, lighting, biometryWe provide the three datasets used for testing our system for our ICCV 2007 publication, including annotations. Data was recorded using a pair of AVT Ma...
trajectory, pedestrian, occlusion, crowd, object tracking, object detection, overlapThe PIROPO database (People in Indoor ROoms with Perspective and Omnidirectional cameras) comprises multiple sequences recorded in two different indoor ...
perspective, human, indoor, room, surveillance, detection, fisheye, omnidirectional, peopleThe BIWI Walking Pedestrians (EWAP) dataset shows walking pedestrians in busy scenarios from a bird eye view. Manually annotated. Data used for training...
trajectory, object tracking, overlap, object detection, aerial, pedestrian, occlusion, crowdWelcome to the homepage of the gvvperfcapeva datasets. This site serves as a hub to access a wide range of datasets that have been created for projects ...
face, reconstruction, depth, mesh, human, action, video, pose, multiview, trackingThe TUD Campus dataset from Micha Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele consists of 71 images and 303 highly overlapping pedestrians with large scale...
segmentation, pedestrian, sideview, object tracking, object detection, overlapThe PETS 2006 dataset contains 7 parts showing multi-sensor sequences containing left-luggage scenarios with increasing scene complexity at a train stat...
pedestrian, indoor, frontview, object tracking, object detection, multitargetWe present a new large-scale dataset that contains a diverse set of stereo video sequences recorded in street scenes from 50 different cities, with high...
urban, stereo, cities, person, video, weakly, segmentation, pedestrian, detection, car, semanticCollected in a clothing store. Captured with Kinect (640*480, about 30fps)
tracking, detectionThe MOT Challenge is a framework for the fair evaluation of multiple people tracking algorithms. In this framework we provide: - A large collection of...
multiple, benchmark, evaluation, ben, dataset, target, video, pedestrian, 3d, tracking, surveillance, peopleMIT Pedestrian dataset from Papageorgiou and Poggio [IJCV2000] contains 509 training and 200 test images of pedestrians in city scenes (plus left-right ...
urban, pedestrian, boundingbox, frontview, people, object detectionPenn-Fudan Pedestrian Detection and Segmentation
segmentation, motion, background, pedestrian, detectionThe PSU HUB dataset is a detection, tracking dataset. Ground truth trajectory and grouping information for pedestrians walking in the PSU student union ...
trajectory, pedestrian, occlusion, crowd, object tracking, object detection, overlapDatabase contains 798 images of 114 persons, with 7 images per person and is freely available for research purposes. All images were taken in supervised...
face, person, human, lighting, recognition, illumination, pedestrian, biometryThe Daimler Mono Pedestrian Classification Benchmark dataset consists of two parts: a base data set. The base data set contains a total of 4000 pedest...
illumination, object, urban, pedestrian, classification, outdoor, scaleThe Video Segmentation Benchmark (VSB100) provides ground truth annotations for the Berkeley Video Dataset, which consists of 100 HD quality videos divi...
video, object, segmentation, motion, pedestrian, benchmark, tracking, groundtruthThe FaceScrub dataset comprises a total of 107818 unconstrained face images of 530 celebrities crawled from the Internet, with about 200 images per pers...
face, celebrity, detection, people, recognition, humanSome datasets and evaluation tools are provided on this page for four different computer vision and computer graphics problems. Population counting L...
urban, surface, reconstruction, pointcloud, object, road, pedestrian, network, line, 3d, crowd, counting, detection, groundtrutht is composed of food intake movements, recorded with Kinect V1 (320240 depth frame resolution), simulated by 35 volunteers for a total of 48 tests. The...
kinect, age, intake, pointcloud, human, tracking, monitoring, groundtruth, food, behaviorMICCAI 2015 Challenge on Liver Ultrasound Tracking Munich, October 9, 2015 (Full Day) Outline Ultrasound (US) imaging is a widely used medical imagi...
ultrasound, liver, benchmark, real, therapy, human, medical, tracking, organ3 datasets: PTZ Tracking, Thermal-visible registration, Single object tracking
tracking, pedestrian, thermal, ptzThe multi-modal/multi-view datasets are created in a cooperation between University of Surrey and Double Negative within the EU FP7 IMPART project. Th...
rgbd, color, dynamic, multi-view, action, outdoor, video, 3d, face, emotion, lidar, human, indoor, multi-mode, modelThe dataset captures 25 people preparing 2 mixed salads each and contains over 4h of annotated accelerometer and RGB-D video data. Annotated activities ...
video, activity, classification, tracking, recognition, detection, actionThis dataset is for people tracking in wide baseline camera networks and was designed as a contest at ICPR 2012. The contest consists of two challeng...
trajectory, pedestrian, occlusion, crowd, object tracking, overlap, aerial, object detectionClassification/Detection Competitions, Segmentation Competition, Person Layout Taster Competition datasets
detection, classificationAn Annotated Dataset For Near-Duplicate Detection In Personal Photo Collections Managing photo collections involves a variety of image quality assessm...
copyright, duplicate, detection, groundtruth, retrievalThe Caltech Lanes dataset includes four clips taken around streets in Pasadena, CA at different times of day. The archive below includes 1225 individu...
caltech, urban, road, pasadena, detection, laneThe set was recorded in Zurich, using a pair of cameras mounted on a mobile platform. It contains 12'298 annotated pedestrians in roughly 2'000 frames.
trackingThe Video Summarization (SumMe) dataset consists of 25 videos, each annotated with at least 15 human summaries (390 in total). The data consists of vide...
video, benchmark, summary, event, human, groundtruth, actionThe Caltech Pedestrian Dataset consists of approximately 10 hours of 640x480 30Hz video taken from a vehicle driving through regular traffic in an urban...
urban, pedestrian, object detectionThe MSRC v1 dataset from Microsoft Research in Cambridge contains 240 images and 9 object classes with coarse pixel-wise labeled images. The dataset is...
semantic segmentation, semantic, outdoorThe MIT + CMU frontal face dataset from H. Rowley contains 130 images with 507 labeled frontal faces from movie, portrait and media sources. It is mostl...
face, face detection, frontview, detection object boundingbox30000+ frames with vehicle rear annotation and classification (car and trucks) on motorway/highway sequences. Annotation semi-automatically generated us...
detectionThe FlickrLogos-32 dataset contains photos showing brand logos and is meant for the evaluation of multi-class logo recognition as well as logo retrieval...
classification brand boundingbox, retrieval, object recognition, machine learning, logo, detection, image, flickrThe GaTech VideoContext dataset consists of over 100 groundtruth annotated outdoor videos with over 20000 frames for the task of geometric context eval...
urban, nature, outdoor, video, segmentation, supervised, classification, context, unsupervised, geometry, semanticWe introduce the Shelf dataset for multiple human pose estimation from multiple views. In addition we annotate the body joints in the Campus dataset fro...
motion, multiple, 3d, estimation, capture, pose, human, viewThe Stanford Dogs dataset contains images of 120 breeds of dogs from around the world. This dataset has been built using images and annotation from Imag...
fine-grained categorization, dogs, detection, classificationThis dataset consists of more than 22,000 images of 24 people which are captured by 16 cameras installed in a shopping mall "Shinpuh-kan". All images ar...
trackingThis ETHZ CVL RueMonge 2014 dataset used for 3D reconstruction and semantic mesh labelling for urban scene understanding. It was first published in [1...
benchmark, paris, reconstruction, pointcloud, outdoor, 3d, source, architecture, semantic, code, urban, mesh, recognition, segmentation, classificationWe present the 2017 DAVIS Challenge, a public competition specifically designed for the task of video object segmentation. Following the footsteps of ot...
code, quality, benchmark, video segmentation, object, segmentation, hd, tracking, resolutionThe Daimler Urban Segmentation Dataset consists of video sequences recorded in urban traffic. The dataset consists of 5000 rectified stereo image pairs ...
segmentation, urban, motion, stereo, semantic, outdoorThe York Urban Line Segment Database is a compilation of 102 images (45 indoor, 57 outdoor) of urban environments consisting mostly of scenes from the c...
vanishing point, urban, reconstruction, outdoor, pose estimation, manhattan, geometryThe Robotic 3D Scan Repository from Osnabrueck contains 23 different datasets showing a veriaty of 3D scans for objects, humans, cities, university camp...
lidar, scan, urban, reconstruction, human, laser, heat, aerial, germany, 3d, bremen, city, osnabrueckThe test sequences provide interested researchers a real-world multi-view test data set captured in the blue-c portals. The data is meant to be used for...
tracking, segmentation, camera, action, multiviewThe Malaya Abrupt Motion (MAMo) dataset is targeted for visual tracking, particularly for abrupt motion tracking. It was collected from publicly accessi...
abrupt motion tracking, tracking, visual trackingThe TUD Pedestrians training dataset from Micha Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele consists of 210 and 400 training images with X pedestrians with...
segmentation, pedestrian, sideview, object detectionThe We Are Family Stickmen dataset from Eichner and Ferrari contains X images with X people in group photos for human pose estimation with annotated 2D ...
body part, pedestrian, object poseA large dataset of geotagged face images collected from Flickr. The zip file contains text files containing urls of the images. Face2GPS: Estimating G...
gender, face, geotagged, classification, age, localization, humanThe Notre Dame de Paris dataset used for 3D SfM reconstruction and contains 715 images provided by Noah Snavely. There are also version for NotreDame...
paris, pointcloud, frontview, limited, 3d reconstruction, 3d, flickr, landmark, sfmThe Eurasian Cities dataset contains 103 images of outdoor urban scenes taken in Eurasian cities. It is annotated with horizontal and vertical vanishing...
urban, vanishing, reconstruction, manhattan, outdoor, line, pose, point, geometryThe dataset consist of the about 50 hours obtained from kindergarten surveillance videos. Dataset, totally approximately 100 videos sequences (1000GB, 5...
segmentation, action, behavior, video surveillance, human, backgroundThe Graz01 dataset by Andreas Opelt and Axel Pinz contains four types of images: bikes, people, background with no bikes, background with no people.
pedestrian, clutter, occlusion, object detection, graz, background, bikeThe Pedestrian Parsing dataset contains 3,673 images from 171 videos of different Surveillance Scenes (PPSS), where 2,064 images are occluded and 1,609 ...
segmentation, pedestrian, parsingThe Kendall Square webcam dataset consists of two streams for one sunny day and one cloudy day of a city square. It is used for tracking and analyzing c...
color, change, appearance, weather, detection, webcam, skyThe VOT2016 pixel-wise annotations dataset contains pixel-wise per-frame annotations for sequences from VOT2016 dataset. The annotation is in a form of ...
object, segmentation, annotation, mask, visual, trackingThe PASCAL VOC Challenge datasets by Mark Everingham is a yearly dataset which has a central evaluation server and the final test data is not released. ...
chair, object detection, building, object segmentation, pedestrian, object pose, animal, car, airplaneThe TUG (Timed Up and Go test) dataset consists of actions performed three times by 20 volunteers. The people involved in the test are aged between 22 a...
wearable, kinect, time, human, recognition, action, depth image processing - tug, accelerometer, videoThe city planar and non-planar datset consists of urban scenes accompanied by text files describing the plane/non-plane locations. Training Set (Univ...
building, urban, detection, 3d, estimation, planeThe Extreme Zoom Dataset. EZD is a 6 image sets with incleasing zoom factor from general scene view to focusing on single detail. MODS: Fast and Robus...
description, detection, zoom, viewpoint, matching, featureThe dataset contains 15 documentary films that are downloaded from YouTube, whose durations vary from 9 minutes to as long as 50 minutes, and the total ...
video, object, detectionInstance recognition from depth data. Contains various challenges of Pose, Clutter, Occlusion and similar looking objects (Bonde, U., Badrinarayanan, V....
detection, instance, depth, poseThe Salient Montages is a human-centric video summarization dataset from the paper [1]. In [1], we present a novel method to generate salient montages...
video, saliency, wearable, montage, summarization, humanLASIESTA is composed by many real indoor and outdoor sequences organized in different categories, each of one covering a specific challenge in moving ob...
motion, subtraction, dataset, background, object, stationary, foreground, camera, challenge, detection, groundtruthSVHN is a real-world image dataset for developing machine learning and object recognition algorithms with minimal requirement on data preprocessing and ...
urban, real, recognition, text, streetside, world, streetview, classification, detection, numberLow-resolution RGB videos + ground truth trajectories from multiple fixed and moving cameras monitoring the same scenes (indoor and outdoor) to improve ...
trackingShakeFive2 A collection of 8 dyadic human interactions with accompanying skeleton metadata. The metadata is frame based xml data containing the skelet...
video, human, kinect, interactionThis dataset contains 7 challenging volleyball activity classes annotated in 6 videos from professionals in the Austrian Volley League (season 2011/12)....
video, sport, analysis, activity recognition, volleyball, detection, actionTh EPFL Multi-View Car dataset contains 20 sequences of cars as they rotate by 360 degrees. There is one image approximately every 3-4 degrees. Using th...
detection, estimation, car, pose, multiview, rotationCalifornia-ND contains 701 photos taken directly from a real user's personal photo collection, including many challenging non-identical near-duplicate c...
detectionDaimler Stereo Pedestrian Detection Benchmark C. Keller, M. Enzweiler, and D. M. Gavrila, A New Benchmark for Stereo-based Pedestrian Detection, Proc...
urban, pedestrian, object detectionHallway Corridor - Multiple Camera Tracking: An indoor camera network dataset with 6 cameras (contains ground plane homography).
trackingZurich Hoengg (Switzerland) is an aerial dataset. The dataset consists of 4 aerial images in colour (Figures 2-5), scanned with 14 microns, the forma...
semantic segmentation, aerial, outdoorDaimler Multi-Cue, Occluded Pedestrian Classification Benchmark Training and test samples have a resolution of 48 x 96 pixels with a 12-pixel border a...
image classification, urban, pedestrian, object detectionThe BEOID dataset includes object interactions ranging from preparing a coffee to operating a weight lifting machine and opening a door. The dataset is ...
video, object, egocentric, 3d, interaction, pose, trackingThe tracking environment consists of multiple 3D range sensors, covering an area of about 900 m2, in the "ATC" shopping center in Osaka, Japan.
trackingThe SPHERE human skeleton movements dataset was created using a Kinect camera, that measures distances and provides a depth map of the scene instead of ...
motion, skeleton, kinect, movement, depth, human, action, video, behaviorPN Learning - How does TLD work? Tracking estimates the object location as long as the object is visible. During tracking all observed patterns of the...
face, pedestrian, singletarget, learning, bike, object trackingAWS hosts a variety of public datasets that anyone can access for free. Previously, large datasets such as satellite imagery or genomic data have requi...
space, human, recognition, image, amazon, satellite, segmentation, learning, deep, classification, biology, resolutionPedestrian Color Naming (PCN) dataset contains 14,213 images, each of which hand-labeled with color label for each pixel.
segmentation, pedestrian, color namingPhos is a color image database of 15 scenes captured under different illumination conditions. More particularly, every scene of the database contains 1...
detectionThe mirror symmetry database contains 176 single-symmetry and 63 multyple-symmetry images (.png files) with accompanying ground-truth annotations (.mat ...
symmetry, detection, groundtruth, mirrorThe HandNet dataset contains depth images of 10 participants hands non-rigidly deforming infront of a RealSense RGB-D camera. This dataset includes 2...
rgbd, hand, articulation, video, segmentation, classification, pose, fingertip, detectionA new large-scale PEdesTrian Attribute (PETA) dataset. The dataset is by far the largest of its kind, covering more than 60 attributes on 19000 images. ...
pedestrian, crowdThe Buffy dataset contains images selected from the TV series, Buffy: the Vampire Slayer. We select a set of 452 images from the first two episodes for ...
segmentation, human, buffy, movie, object detectionThis UIUC Cars dataset by Shivani Agarwal, Aatif Awan and Dan Roth contains images of side views of cars for use in evaluating object detection algorith...
urban, sideview, detection, car, recognition, scaleScene Background Initialization (SBI) dataset The SBI dataset has been assembled in order to evaluate and compare the results of background initializa...
change, detection, benchmark, background, foreground, initializationSince the publicly available face image datasets are often of small to medium size, rarely exceeding tens of thousands of images, and often without age ...
face, age, wikipedia, imdb, recognition, detection, biometryThe All I Have Seen (AIHS) dataset is created to study the properties of total visual input in humans, for around two weeks Nebojsa Jojic wore a camera ...
similarity, scene, summary, user, indoor, outdoor, video, 3d, clustering, studyThe dataset consists of eight unique scenes in crowded spaces such as a university campus or the sidewalks of a busy street.
trackingThe TRaffic ANd COngestionS (TRANCOS) dataset, a novel benchmark for (extremely overlapping) vehicle counting in traffic congestion situations. It consi...
urban, highway, spain, object, traffic, transportation, vehicle, detection, carIt is composed of ADL (activity daily living) and fall actions simulated by 11 volunteers. The people involved in the test are aged between 22 and 39, w...
wearable, kinect, fall detection - adl, depth, human, recognition, action, accelerometer, videoThe Annotated Facial Landmarks in the Wild (AFLW) consists of a large-scale collection of annotated face images gathered from the web, exhibiting a larg...
face, annotation, detection, age, landmark, poseContains 6 object categories similar to object categories in Pascal VOC that are suitable for studying the abnormalities stemming from objects.
detectionMIT traffic data set is for research on activity analysis and crowded scenes. It includes a traffic video sequence of 90 minutes long. It is recorded by...
trackingThe Ford Car dataset is joint effort of Pandey et al. (for collecting images, Lidar points, calibration etc.) and us (for annotation of 2D and 3D object...
lidar, detection, groundtruth, 3d, car, sfmWIDER FACE dataset is a large-scale face detection benchmark dataset with 32,203 images and 393,703 face annotations, which have high degree of variabil...
face, scale, detection, pose, occlusionEstimate robust and reliable depth or motion fields on our challenging real world videos!
optical flow, stereo depth, outdoorThe goal of LabelMe is to provide an online annotation tool to build image databases for computer vision research. You can contribute to the database by...
urban, semantic segmentation, software, semantic, outdoor, object detectionWe developed imaging hardware consisting of a color camera, a thermal camera and a beam splitter to capture the aligned multispectral (RGB color + Therm...
pedestrian, thermal, rgbThe Aspect Layout dataset is designed to allow evaluation of object detection for aspect ratios in perspective images. Author text: In this project ...
object, detection, aspect, perspective, ratio, layoutThe Graz02 dataset by Andreas Opelt and Axel Pinz contains four categories of images: bikes, people, cars and a single background class. The annotation ...
pedestrian, clutter, object detection, graz, background, car, bikeContains drawing pages from US patents with manually labeled figure and part labels.
detectionThe CHALEARN Multi-modal Gesture Challenge is a dataset +700 sequences for gesture recognition using images, kinect depth, segmentation and skeleton dat...
gesture, skeleton, kinect, depth, human, recognition, action, illumination, segmentation15,560 pedestrian and non-pedestrian samples (image cut-outs) and 6744 additional full images not containing pedestrians for bootstrapping. The test set...
detectionLabelMe is a web-based image annotation tool that allows researchers to label images and share the annotations with the rest of the community. If you us...
detectionAiguille du Midi. France showing photographs with Camera: Mamiya ZD. 55mm. - Resolution: 5Mpixels, 53 images - Photographer: B. Vallet (Imagine/EVD - 20...
3d reconstruction, large scale, sfm, outdoor, meshThe CMP map2photo dataset consists of 6 pairs, where one image is satellite photo and second image is a map of the same area. The task is to match thes...
sensing, baseline, matching, description, map, feature, remote, detection, wideThe 3D Mask Attack Database (3DMAD) is a biometric (face) spoofing database. It currently contains 76500 frames of 17 persons, recorded using Kinect for...
face, emotion, segmentation, 3d, recognition, biometry, frontviewThe MSRC v2 dataset is an extension of the MSRC v1 dataset from Microsoft Research in Cambridge. It contains 591 images and 23 object classes with accur...
semantic segmentation, semantic, outdoorThe Make3D Depth dataset s designed to learn features to estimate scene depth from a single image. This dataset contains aligned image and range data:...
single view, learning, indoor, outdoor, depth estimationThe Oxford RobotCar Dataset contains over 100 repetitions of a consistent route through Oxford, UK, captured over a period of over a year. The dataset c...
driving, street, urban, time, recognition, autonomous, video, segmentation, robot, classification, detection, car, yearIdiap/ETHZ Faces and Poses Dataset dataset by L. Jie, B. Caputo and V. Ferrari contains 1703 image-caption pairs. [author] Captions contain the names of...
face detection, pedestrian, text, object poseThe Street View Text (SVT) dataset contains 647 words and 3796 letters in 249 images harvested from Google Street View. The dataset is more challengin...
urban, text recognition, text detection, classification, outdoorBackground Models Challenge (BMC) is a complete dataset and competition for the comparison of background subtraction algorithms. The main topics concer...
motion, background, video, modeling, segmentation, change, surveillance, detectionThe database contains, for each of the 100 examples: (1) the uncompressed frames, up to the 10th frame after the appearance of the 8th cell; (2) a text ...
trajectory, circle, mouse, biology, cell, trackingGroup emotion recognition in images - Happiness Intensity labels for group of people in images. The images have been collected from Flickr using keyword...
emotion, wild, flickr, behavior, group, human, facial expressionThe MSRC vNIPS dataset is the MSRC v2 dataset with new annotations for much more accurate segmentations for 93 images. Efficient Inference in Fully Co...
semantic segmentation, semantic, outdoorThe domain-specific personal videos highlight dataset from the paper [1] describes a fully automatic method to train domain-specific highlight ranker f...
saliency, domain, wearable, human, recognition, action, video, summarizationThe Multicamera Human Action Video Data (MuHAVi) Manually Annotated Silhouette Data (MAS) are two datasets consisting of selected action sequences for ...
video, segmentation, action, behavior, human, backgroundThe RGB-D Person Re-identification dataset is for person re-identification using depth information. The main motivation is that the standard techniques ...
pedestrian, 3d, identification, classification, depth, shapeThis dataset contains 12,995 face images which are annotated with (1) five facial landmarks, (2) attributes of gender, smiling, wearing glasses, and hea...
face, landmark detection, deep learning, detection, attribute, cnnAt Udacity, we believe in democratizing education. How can we provide opportunity to everyone on the planet? We also believe in teaching really amazing ...
driving, street, urban, time, recognition, autonomous, video, segmentation, robot, classification, detection, car, syntheticThe Leeds Cows dataset by Derek Magee consists of 14 different video sequences showing a total of 18 cows walking from right to left in front of differe...
video, segmentation, detection, cow, animal, backgroundThe German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark is a dataset for multi-class detection problem in natural images and do cordially invite you to participat...
urban, traffic, recognition, detection, traffic signThe CALTECH 256 dataset by Li Fei-Fei contains 30607 images for 256 categories.
object, detection, image, centered, classification, sceneThe Wide (multiple) Baseline Dataset. 31 image pairs, simultaneously combining several nuisance factors: geometry, illumination, IR-visible, etc. WxBS...
description, night, viewpoint, matching, feature, detection, day, ir1521 images with human faces, recorded under natural conditions, i.e. varying illumination and complex background. The eye positions have been set manua...
detectionThe TUD Pedestrians dataset from Micha Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele [AndrilukaCVPR2008] consists of 250 images with 311 fully visible people...
segmentation, pedestrian, sideview, object detectionThe contour patches dataset is a large dataset of images patch matches used for contour detection. References: C. L. Zitnick and D. Parikh The Role...
lowlevel, match, edge, image, contour, segmentation, patch, detectionJPL First-Person Interaction dataset (JPL-Interaction dataset) is composed of human activity videos taken from a first-person viewpoint. The dataset par...
video, motion, action, interactive, recognition, humanThe Our Database of Faces (ORL) dataset contains ten different images of each of 40 distinct subjects. For some subjects, the images were taken at diffe...
illumination, face, recognition, human, expressionThe Swedish Traffic Sign Recognition provides Matlab code for parsing the annotation files and displaying the results. Part0 for each set contains the a...
urban, traffic, detection, city, sign, recognitionThe Microsoft Research Cambridge-12 Kinect gesture dataset consists of sequences of human movements, represented as body-part locations, and the associa...
gesture, recognition, human, action, kinectAbstract Scene understanding has (again) become a focus of computer vision research, leveraging advances in detection, context modeling, and tracking. ...
scene, segmentation, pedestrian, 3d, classification, understanding, car, semanticDataset A (former NLPR Gait Database) was created on Dec. 10, 2001, including 20 persons. Each person has 12 image sequences, 4 sequences for each of th...
motion, foot, human, recognition, gait, action, classification, biometry, pressureThe Shefeld Kinect Gesture (SKIG) dataset contains 2160 hand gesture sequences (1080 RGB sequences and 1080 depth sequences) collected from 6 subjects. ...
illumination, gesture, kinect, depth, recognition, human, actionThe Yale Face dataset from A. Georghiades contains 5760 single light source images of ten subjects, each shown in 9 poses and 64 illumination setups (le...
illumination, face detection, pedestrian, pose estimationThe MSR RGB-D Dataset 7-Scenes dataset is a collection of tracked RGB-D camera frames. The dataset may be used for evaluation of methods for different a...
video, kinect, location, reconstruction, depth, trackingThe YouTube-Objects dataset is composed of videos collected from YouTube by querying for the names of 10 object classes. It contains between 9 and 24 vi...
video, object, flow, segmentation, detection, opticalYahoo Flickr Creative Commons 100M (YFCC100M) dataset contains a list of photos and videos. This list is compiled from data available on Yahoo! Flickr. ...
internet, reconstruction, recognition, image, community, social, 3d, clustering, detection, flickr, landmarkThe Person Re-ID (PRID) 2011 dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-identifi...
trajectory, graz, illumination, pedestrian, change, appearance, identification, classification, multiviewA New Color Image Database for Benchmarking of Face Detection Techniques and Human Skin Segmentation Techniques. A new color face image database for ...
face, segmentation, skin, detection, benchmarkingGlobal Symmetry Ground-truth for AVA dataset Release Date: 2016 For detailed information, please refer to: Elawady, Mohamed, Ccile Barat, Christoph...
bilateral, aesthetic, global, symmetry, reflection, detection, mirror10000 images of natural scenes, with 37 different logos, and 2695 logos instances, annotated with a bounding box.
detectionThe CERTH image blur dataset consists of 2450 digital images, 1850 out of which are photographs captured by various camera models in different shooting ...
motion, quality, detection, image, defocus, blurThe Microsoft COCO (mscoco) is an image recognition and segmentation dataset which contains more 300k images for more than 70 categories. Other featur...
object, segmentation, benchmark, semantic, context, recognition, detectionThe MSR Action datasets is a collection of various 3D datasets for action recognition. See details
video, detection, 3d, action, reconstruction, recognition10000 images of natural scenes grabbed on Flickr, with 2695 logos instances cut and pasted from the BelgaLogos dataset.
detectionMany different labeled video datasets have been collected over the past few years, but it is hard to compare them at a glance. So we have created a hand...
video, object, benchmark, classification, recognition, detection, action15 wide baseline stereo image pairs with large viewpoint change, provided ground truth homographies. Image size (~1000x700 pixels, RGB) D. Mishkin a...
description, wide baseline stereo, detection, viewpoint, matching, feature