
Database contains 798 images of 114 persons, with 7 images per person and is freely available for research purposes. All images were taken in supervised conditions. All images are stored in jpeg, sized 640x480 pixels. Images were captured using Sony Digital Mavica under uniform illumination, no flash and with projection screen in the background. Credit: Please, write the following acknowledgement: The face images used in this work have been provided by the Computer Vision Laboratory, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia [1,2]. and the following references: [1] Peter Peer, CVL Face Database: [2] Franc Solina, Peter Peer, Borut Batagelj, Samo Juvan, Jure Kova, "Color-based face detection in the "15 seconds of fame" art installation", In: Mirage 2003, Conference on Computer Vision / Computer Graphics Collaboration for Model-based Imaging, Rendering, image Analysis and Graphical special Effects, March 10-11 2003, INRIA Rocquencourt, France, Wilfried Philips, Rocquencourt, INRIA, 2003, pp. 38-47"

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