
The Semantic Description of Human Activities (SDHA) was a contest at ICPR 2010. The contest is composed of three different types of activity recognition challenges: High-level Human Interaction Recognition Challenge, Aerial View Activity Classification Challenge, and Wide-Area Activity Search and Recognition Challenge. The general idea behind three challenges is to test methodologies with realistic surveillance-type videos having multiple actors and pedestrians. The objective of the first challenge is to recognize high-level interactions between two humans, such as hand-shake and push. The goal of the second challenge is to recognize relatively simple one-person actions (e.g. bend and dig) taken from a low-resolution far-away camera. The third challenge is to monitor human activities with multiple cameras observing a wide area. The challenges will encourage researchers to test their state-of-the-art recognition systems on the three datasets with different characteristic, and motivate them to develop methodologies designed for complex scenarios in realistic environments. Interaction Challenge Sample Aerial View Challenge Sample Wide-Area Challenge Sample

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