The We Are Family Stickmen dataset from Eichner and Ferrari contains X images with X people in group photos for human pose estimation with annotated 2D human body part configurations.
Idiap/ETHZ Faces and Poses Dataset dataset by L. Jie, B. Caputo and V. Ferrari contains 1703 image-caption pairs. [author] Captions contain the names of...
face detection, pedestrian, text, object poseThe PASCAL VOC Challenge datasets by Mark Everingham is a yearly dataset which has a central evaluation server and the final test data is not released. ...
chair, object detection, building, object segmentation, pedestrian, object pose, animal, car, airplaneThe ICG Multi-Camera datasets consist of Easy Data Set (just one person) Medium Data Set (3-5 persons, used for the experiments) Hard Data Set (cro...
graz, indoor, video, object, pedestrian, multiview, tracking, camera, multitarget, detection, calibrationThe Person Re-ID (PRID) 2011 dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-identifi...
trajectory, graz, illumination, pedestrian, change, appearance, identification, classification, multiviewMIT Pedestrian dataset from Papageorgiou and Poggio [IJCV2000] contains 509 training and 200 test images of pedestrians in city scenes (plus left-right ...
urban, pedestrian, boundingbox, frontview, people, object detectionWe collected a video dataset, termed ChokePoint, designed for experiments in person identification/verification under real-world surveillance conditions...
face, real, human, recognition, world, pedestrian, identification, clustering, multiview, surveillance, detection, sequenceDaimler Multi-Cue, Occluded Pedestrian Classification Benchmark Training and test samples have a resolution of 48 x 96 pixels with a 12-pixel border a...
image classification, urban, pedestrian, object detectionThe crowd datasets are collected from a variety of sources, such as UCF and data-driven crowd datasets. The sequences are diverse, representing dense cr...
video, pedestrian, scene, crowd, human, understanding, anomaly, detectionThe Mall dataset was collected from a publicly accessible webcam for crowd counting and profiling research. Ground truth: Over 60,000 pedestrians wer...
video, pedestrian, crowd, counting, tracking, detection, indoor, webcamThis dataset is for people tracking in wide baseline camera networks and was designed as a contest at ICPR 2012. The contest consists of two challeng...
trajectory, pedestrian, occlusion, crowd, object tracking, overlap, aerial, object detectionThe Where Who Why (WWW) dataset provides 10,000 videos with over 8 million frames from 8,257 diverse scenes, therefore offering a superior comprehensive...
recognition, video, flow, pedestrian, crowd, surveillance, optical, detectionThe MOT Challenge is a framework for the fair evaluation of multiple people tracking algorithms. In this framework we provide: - A large collection of...
multiple, benchmark, evaluation, ben, dataset, target, video, pedestrian, 3d, tracking, surveillance, peopleThe Freiburg-Berkeley Motion Segmentation Dataset (FBMS-59) is an extension of the BMS dataset with 33 additional video sequences. A total of 720 frames...
motion, benchmark, video, object, pedestrian, segmentation, tracking, groundtruthThe CVC Partial Occlusion Virtual Pedestrian datasets (CVC-01 to CVC-06) cover a range of scenarios of occluded pedestrians generated in a virtual and r...
urban, pedestrian, classification, synthetic, occlusion, tracking, detectionDataset contains 1000 images of 100 persons, with 10 images per person and is freely available. All images were acquired by cropping ears from images fr...
person, pedestrian, ear, recognition, human, lighting, biometryPN Learning - How does TLD work? Tracking estimates the object location as long as the object is visible. During tracking all observed patterns of the...
face, pedestrian, singletarget, learning, bike, object trackingThe QMUL Junction dataset is a busy traffic scenario for research on activity analysis and behavior understanding. Video length: 1 hour (90000 frame...
video, motion, pedestrian, crowd, counting, tracking, detection, behaviorThe PETS 2006 dataset contains 7 parts showing multi-sensor sequences containing left-luggage scenarios with increasing scene complexity at a train stat...
pedestrian, indoor, frontview, object tracking, object detection, multitargetThe Caltech Pedestrian Dataset consists of approximately 10 hours of 640x480 30Hz video taken from a vehicle driving through regular traffic in an urban...
urban, pedestrian, object detectionPedestrian Color Naming (PCN) dataset contains 14,213 images, each of which hand-labeled with color label for each pixel.
segmentation, pedestrian, color namingThe ICG Lab 6 (Multi-Camera Multi-Object Tracking) dataset contains 6 indoor people tracking scenarios recorded at our laboratory using 4 static Axis P1...
evaluation, graz, object, laboratory, pedestrian, segmentation, multiview, tracking, camera, detection, calibrationDatabase contains 798 images of 114 persons, with 7 images per person and is freely available for research purposes. All images were taken in supervised...
face, person, human, lighting, recognition, illumination, pedestrian, biometryThe Video Segmentation Benchmark (VSB100) provides ground truth annotations for the Berkeley Video Dataset, which consists of 100 HD quality videos divi...
video, object, segmentation, motion, pedestrian, benchmark, tracking, groundtruthThe Daimler Mono Pedestrian Detection Benchmark dataset contains a large training and test set. The training set contains 15.560 pedestrian samples (ima...
object, mono, urban, pedestrian, outdoor, scale, detectionRobust Multi-Person Tracking from Mobile Platforms In all cases, data was recorded using a pair of AVT Marlins F033C mounted on a chariot respectively...
tracking, pedestrian, color, sequenceSome datasets and evaluation tools are provided on this page for four different computer vision and computer graphics problems. Population counting L...
urban, surface, reconstruction, pointcloud, object, road, pedestrian, network, line, 3d, crowd, counting, detection, groundtruthAbstract Scene understanding has (again) become a focus of computer vision research, leveraging advances in detection, context modeling, and tracking. ...
scene, segmentation, pedestrian, 3d, classification, understanding, car, semanticThe TUD Crossing dataset from Micha Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele consists of 201 images with 1008 highly overlapping pedestrians with signif...
urban, sideview, overlap, segmentation, pedestrian, tracking, multitarget, detectionA new large-scale PEdesTrian Attribute (PETA) dataset. The dataset is by far the largest of its kind, covering more than 60 attributes on 19000 images. ...
pedestrian, crowdThe PSU HUB dataset is a detection, tracking dataset. Ground truth trajectory and grouping information for pedestrians walking in the PSU student union ...
trajectory, pedestrian, occlusion, crowd, object tracking, object detection, overlapThe Yale Face dataset from A. Georghiades contains 5760 single light source images of ten subjects, each shown in 9 poses and 64 illumination setups (le...
illumination, face detection, pedestrian, pose estimationThe Graz02 dataset by Andreas Opelt and Axel Pinz contains four categories of images: bikes, people, cars and a single background class. The annotation ...
pedestrian, clutter, object detection, graz, background, car, bikeThe Semantic Description of Human Activities (SDHA) was a contest at ICPR 2010. The contest is composed of three different types of activity recognit...
trajectory, pedestrian, occlusion, crowd, object tracking, overlap, aerial, object detectionWe provide the three datasets used for testing our system for our ICCV 2007 publication, including annotations. Data was recorded using a pair of AVT Ma...
trajectory, pedestrian, occlusion, crowd, object tracking, object detection, overlapThe PASCAL VOC is augmented with segmentation annotation for semantic parts of objects. For example, for the person category, we provide segmentation ma...
part, human, recognition, object, pedestrian, segmentation, pascal, detection, semanticThe TUD Campus dataset from Micha Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele consists of 71 images and 303 highly overlapping pedestrians with large scale...
segmentation, pedestrian, sideview, object tracking, object detection, overlapThe UrbanStreet dataset used in the paper can be downloaded here [188M] . It contains 18 stereo sequences of pedestrians taken from a stereo rig mounted...
urban, human, recognition, video, pedestrian, segmentation, tracking, multitarget, detectionThe BIWI Walking Pedestrians (EWAP) dataset shows walking pedestrians in busy scenarios from a bird eye view. Manually annotated. Data used for training...
trajectory, object tracking, overlap, object detection, aerial, pedestrian, occlusion, crowdThe RGB-D Person Re-identification dataset is for person re-identification using depth information. The main motivation is that the standard techniques ...
pedestrian, 3d, identification, classification, depth, shapeThe TUD Pedestrians training dataset from Micha Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele consists of 210 and 400 training images with X pedestrians with...
segmentation, pedestrian, sideview, object detectionWe present a new large-scale dataset that contains a diverse set of stereo video sequences recorded in street scenes from 50 different cities, with high...
urban, stereo, cities, person, video, weakly, segmentation, pedestrian, detection, car, semanticThe High Definition Analytics (HDA) dataset is a multi-camera High-Resolution image sequence dataset for research on High-Definition surveillance: Pedes...
high-definition, benchmark, human, lisbon, indoor, video, re-identification, pedestrian, network, multiview, tracking, surveillance, camera, detectionThe INRIA People dataset from Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs [DalalCVPR2005] consists of training and testing data. The training contains 1805 images and...
pedestrian, sideview, boundingbox, frontview, object detection, humanThe Graz01 dataset by Andreas Opelt and Axel Pinz contains four types of images: bikes, people, background with no bikes, background with no people.
pedestrian, clutter, occlusion, object detection, graz, background, bikePenn-Fudan Pedestrian Detection and Segmentation
segmentation, motion, background, pedestrian, detectionThe Pedestrian Parsing dataset contains 3,673 images from 171 videos of different Surveillance Scenes (PPSS), where 2,064 images are occluded and 1,609 ...
segmentation, pedestrian, parsing3 datasets: PTZ Tracking, Thermal-visible registration, Single object tracking
tracking, pedestrian, thermal, ptzThe ICG Multi-Camera and Virtual PTZ dataset contains the video streams and calibrations of several static Axis P1347 cameras and one panoramic video fr...
graz, outdoor, video, object, panorama, pedestrian, network, crowd, multiview, tracking, camera, multitarget, detection, calibrationThe Daimler Mono Pedestrian Classification Benchmark dataset consists of two parts: a base data set. The base data set contains a total of 4000 pedest...
illumination, object, urban, pedestrian, classification, outdoor, scaleThe PETS 2009 dataset contains 3 parts showing multi-view sequences containing pedestrians walking in an outdoor environment. The parts are used for per...
overlap, human, frontview, occlusion multitarget, outdoor, pedestrian, tracking, detectionThe TUD Pedestrians dataset from Micha Andriluka, Stefan Roth and Bernt Schiele [AndrilukaCVPR2008] consists of 250 images with 311 fully visible people...
segmentation, pedestrian, sideview, object detectionThe Longterm Pedestrian dataset consists of images from a stationary camera running 24 hours for 7 days at about 1 fps. It used for adaptive detection ...
coffee, graz, background, indoor, illumination, change, pedestrian, robust, multitarget, detectionThe TU Berlin Multi-Object and Multi-Camera Tracking Dataset (MOCAT) is a synthetic dataset to train and test tracking and detection systems in a virtua...
evaluation, multi-view, pedestrian, animal, tracking, multi-class, vehicle, detection, syntheticDaimler Stereo Pedestrian Detection Benchmark C. Keller, M. Enzweiler, and D. M. Gavrila, A New Benchmark for Stereo-based Pedestrian Detection, Proc...
urban, pedestrian, object detectionWe developed imaging hardware consisting of a color camera, a thermal camera and a beam splitter to capture the aligned multispectral (RGB color + Therm...
pedestrian, thermal, rgbThe KTH Multiview Football dataset contains 771 images of football players includes images taken from 3 views at 257 time instances 14 annotated body jo...
recognition, soccer, outdoor, object, pedestrian, game, pose, multiview, tracking, camera, multitarget, detection