The DTU Robot dataset consists of color images of 60 scenes acquired in a controlled setup from 119 different positions and under different lighting. For each scene we also include a 3D reconstruction model obtained by structured light scanning. The dataset can be used for evaluation of interest point detectors and descriptors as well as algorithms for multi-view 3D reconstruction.
The data is taken from Photo Tourism reconstructions from Trevi Fountain (Rome), Notre Dame (Paris) and Half Dome (Yosemite). Each dataset consists of a...
feature matching, sfm, pair, feature descriptionThe Symmetry Facades dataset contains 9 building facades with multiple images. It used for coupled symmetry and structure from motion detection. Coup...
urban, reconstruction, facade, building, 3d, repetition, symmetry, sfmThe Leuven Stereo Scene dataset is a scene and depth dataset. There exist two variants of this dataset - a CVPR 2007 paper [1] by Leibe et al. for detec...
urban, stereo, depth, reconstruction, leuven, segmentation, 3d, semantic, sfmThe Graffiti dataset by Krystian Mikolajczyk and Cordelia Schmid contains 48 images split into 8 sequences with 6 images each showing different structur...
benchmark, image rectification, feature detection, feature descriptionVoxel Based Dataset for Systematic 3D reconstruction by artificial neural networks (ANNs). A synthetic scalable cube dataset for training, testing and...
deep learning, synthetic city urban, 3d, sfm, reconstructionWe take advantage of our autonomous driving platform Annieway to develop novel challenging real-world computer vision benchmarks. Our tasks of interest ...
stereo, object tracking, depth, reconstruction, detection tracking, object detection, segmentation, odometry, optical flow, semantic car depth, sfmThe CALTECH 101 Category Patch Pairs dataset measures invariance to intra-category variation. The dataset contains a training set and testing set of im...
binary, feature matching, pair, feature descriptionMultispectral Imaging (MSI) datasets were acquired using IRIS II which is a lightweight portable system comprising of a high resolution camera, a novel ...
illumination, wavelength, registration, alignment, matching, groundtruth, multi-spectralThe Yotta dataset consists of 70 images for semantic labeling given in 11 classes. It also contains multiple videos and camera matrices for 14km or driv...
urban, reconstruction, video, segmentation, 3d, classification, camera, semanticTo encourage the open comparison of single image shadow removal in community, we provide an online benchmark site and a dataset. Our quantitatively veri...
illumination, shadow, benchmark, singleview, removalDatabase contains 798 images of 114 persons, with 7 images per person and is freely available for research purposes. All images were taken in supervised...
face, person, human, lighting, recognition, illumination, pedestrian, biometryThe Aachen dataset consists of 4479 images taken with multiple cameras (3GB), 369 query images taken with the camera of a mobile phone together with the...
image retrieval, 3d reconstruction, aachen, sfm, landmarkSome datasets and evaluation tools are provided on this page for four different computer vision and computer graphics problems. Population counting L...
urban, surface, reconstruction, pointcloud, object, road, pedestrian, network, line, 3d, crowd, counting, detection, groundtruthSince its launch in September 1999, Space Imaging IKONOS earth imaging satellite has provided a reliable stream of image data that has become the standa...
urban, 3d reconstruction, photogrammetry, aerial, sfmAdelaideRMF: Robust Model Fitting Data Set AdelaideRMF is a data set for robust geometric model fitting (homography estimation and fundamental matrix ...
model fitting, getry, feature matchingThis ETHZ CVL RueMonge 2014 dataset used for 3D reconstruction and semantic mesh labelling for urban scene understanding. It was first published in [1...
benchmark, paris, reconstruction, pointcloud, outdoor, 3d, source, architecture, semantic, code, urban, mesh, recognition, segmentation, classificationThe Colosseum and San Marco are two image datasets for dense multiview stereo reconstructions used for evaluating the visual photo realism. The datase...
urban, aerial, streetside, 3d reconstruction, photo-realism, flickr, landmark, sfmThe Paris500k dataset consists of 501,356 geotagged images collected from Flickr and Panoramio. The dataset was collected from a geographic bounding box...
panoramio, paris, image retrieval, 3d reconstruction, geotag, flickr, landmark, sfmThe 2D-3D-S dataset provides a variety of mutually registered modalities from 2D, 2.5D and 3D domains, with instance-level semantic and geometric annota...
reconstruction, depth, large-scale, indoor, normal, building, panorama, segmentation, 3d, semanticThe Farman Institute 3D Point Sets dataset contains 11 objects by a 3D laser scanner. This dataset was peer-reviewed by Image Processing On Line: Farman...
object, scanner, 3d, reconstruction, point, model, laserThe NYU-Depth V2 data set is comprised of video sequences from a variety of indoor scenes as recorded by both the RGB and Depth cameras from the Microso...
semantic segmentation, kinect, label, reconstruction, depthThe York Urban Line Segment Database is a compilation of 102 images (45 indoor, 57 outdoor) of urban environments consisting mostly of scenes from the c...
vanishing point, urban, reconstruction, outdoor, pose estimation, manhattan, geometryThe 3DVis dataset includes a set of 12 heterogeneous scenes for testing 3D scene registration and analysis methods. Models include homogeneous shapes, r...
3d, registration, reconstruction, shape, matching, symmetryThe Robotic 3D Scan Repository from Osnabrueck contains 23 different datasets showing a veriaty of 3D scans for objects, humans, cities, university camp...
lidar, scan, urban, reconstruction, human, laser, heat, aerial, germany, 3d, bremen, city, osnabrueckISPRS / EuroSDR Benchmark for Multi-Platform Photogrammetry In these pages you can get information about the BENCHMARK FOR MULTI-PLATFORM PHOTOGRAMMET...
urban, benchmark, reconstruction, aerial, photogrammetry, germany, 3d, multiview, switzerland, cityThis dataset package contains the software and data used for Detection-based Object Labeling on the RGB-D Scenes Dataset as implemented in the paper: ...
object, 3d, kinect, reconstruction, depth, recognition, indoorThis dataset provides a collection of web images and 3D models for research on landmark recognition (especially for methods based on 3D models). We hope...
codebook, reconstruction, matching, recognition, retrieval, 3d, classification, feature, flickr, landmarkThe Notre Dame de Paris dataset used for 3D SfM reconstruction and contains 715 images provided by Noah Snavely. There are also version for NotreDame...
paris, pointcloud, frontview, limited, 3d reconstruction, 3d, flickr, landmark, sfmThe Cambridge-driving Labeled Video Database (CamVid) dataset from Gabriel Brostow [?] contains ten minutes of video footage and corresponding semantica...
urban, 3d reconstruction, semantic segmentation, semantic, sfm, depthThe object is a plaster reproduction of Temple of the Dioskouroi in Agrigento, Sicily. Click on thumbnail for a full-sized (640x480) image. Resolution o...
3d reconstruction, 3d, benchmark, sfm, multiviewThe Eurasian Cities dataset contains 103 images of outdoor urban scenes taken in Eurasian cities. It is annotated with horizontal and vertical vanishing...
urban, vanishing, reconstruction, manhattan, outdoor, line, pose, point, geometryThe New College Data Set contains 30GB of data intended for use by the mobile robotics and vision research communities. Our anticipated users are partie...
urban, stereo, reconstruction, path, panorama, 3d, odometry, navigationPhos is a color image database of 15 scenes captured under different illumination conditions. Every scene of the database contains 15 different images: ...
real lighting conditions, uneven illumination, shadows, feature detection, illumination invarianceThe Symmetry set dataset is a collection of images at different illuminations for the purpose of image matching using local symmetry features. Image M...
urban, matching, lighting, image, illumination, building, feature, symmetryThe Dubrovnik6K and Rome16K datasets are image collections for SfM reconstruction, where the suffix refers to the number of images in the dataset. Dub...
urban, 3d reconstruction, dubrovnik, sfm, landmark, romeThe 3D shape description dataset consists of multiple sub-datasets Descriptor Matching - Dataset 1 & 2 (Stanford) These datasets, created from some o...
description, 3d, benchmark, registration, reconstruction, shape, matchingThe Ford Car dataset is joint effort of Pandey et al. (for collecting images, Lidar points, calibration etc.) and us (for annotation of 2D and 3D object...
lidar, detection, groundtruth, 3d, car, sfmCMU/VMR Urban Image+Laser dataset contains 372 images linked with 3D laser points projections. There are additional images (due to the laser scanner bei...
urban, 3d reconstruction, laser, semantic segmentation, sfmThe object is a plaster dinosaur (stegosaurus). Click on thumbnail for a full-sized (640x480) image. Resolution of ground truth model: 0.00025m (you may...
3d reconstruction, 3d, benchmark, sfm, multiviewThe Pittsburgh Fast-food Image dataset (PFID) consists of 4545 still images, 606 stereo pairs, 3033600 videos for structure from motion, and 27 privacy-...
video, laboratory, classification, reconstruction, real, food, recognitionThe Weather and Illumination Database (WILD) is an extensive database of high quality images of an outdoor urban scene, acquired every hour over all sea...
urban, estimation, depth, weather, time, newyork, webcam, video, illumination, change, static, camera, lightSceneNet RGB-D is dataset comprised of 5 million Photorealistic Images of Synthetic Indoor Trajectories with Ground Truth. It expands the previous work ...
trajectory, reconstruction, scene, slam, lighting, indoor, segmentation, robot, rendering, 3d, synthetic, navigationISPRS Test Project on Urban Classification and 3D Building Reconstruction The ISPRS working group III/4 announces the release of the 2D semantic label...
urban, reconstruction, recognition, building, 3d, classification, city, semanticThe Daimler Mono Pedestrian Classification Benchmark dataset consists of two parts: a base data set. The base data set contains a total of 4000 pedest...
illumination, object, urban, pedestrian, classification, outdoor, scaleThe Longterm Pedestrian dataset consists of images from a stationary camera running 24 hours for 7 days at about 1 fps. It used for adaptive detection ...
coffee, graz, background, indoor, illumination, change, pedestrian, robust, multitarget, detectionThe Synthetic CAD Models dataset consists of X synthetic CAD models for detection (planar) primitives. Efficient RANSAC for Point-Cloud Shape Detectio...
ransac, reconstruction, synthetic, primitive, model fitting, 3d objectISPRS and EuroSDR - Benchmark on High Density Aerial Image Matching Background and Scope of the project Innovations in matching algorithms as well a...
urban, benchmark, reconstruction, aerial, photogrammetry, germany, 3d, multiview, switzerland, cityThe Our Database of Faces (ORL) dataset contains ten different images of each of 40 distinct subjects. For some subjects, the images were taken at diffe...
illumination, face, recognition, human, expressionThe Quad 6K dataset is a Structure-from-Motion dataset taken at Arts Quad at Cornell University campus and consists of 6514 images with ground truth pos...
urban, 3d reconstruction, groundtruth, sfm, landmark, 3d gpsThe Stable Structure from Motion datasets due to size limitations cannot put the images online. Instead here are the tracked image points and the final ...
church, stability, 3d reconstruction, 3d, robust, geometry, landmark, sfmThe UBO 2014 consists of 7 semantic categories. Each of these 7 material categories contains measurements of 12 different material instances for being c...
illumination, material, classification, texture, light, recognitionThe Shefeld Kinect Gesture (SKIG) dataset contains 2160 hand gesture sequences (1080 RGB sequences and 1080 depth sequences) collected from 6 subjects. ...
illumination, gesture, kinect, depth, recognition, human, actionThe Yale Face dataset from A. Georghiades contains 5760 single light source images of ten subjects, each shown in 9 poses and 64 illumination setups (le...
illumination, face detection, pedestrian, pose estimationWelcome to the homepage of the gvvperfcapeva datasets. This site serves as a hub to access a wide range of datasets that have been created for projects ...
face, reconstruction, depth, mesh, human, action, video, pose, multiview, trackingThe CHALEARN Multi-modal Gesture Challenge is a dataset +700 sequences for gesture recognition using images, kinect depth, segmentation and skeleton dat...
gesture, skeleton, kinect, depth, human, recognition, action, illumination, segmentationThe 1DSfM Landmarks is a collection of community-based image reconstruction by Kyle Wilson and is comprised of 14 datasets with comparison to bundler gr...
urban, 3d, benchmark, city, reconstruction, landmark, groundtruthThe Landmark 1000 or 1k dataset is a collection of the top 1000 popular flickr landmarks mined from flickr. It is maintained by Noah Snavely and publi...
estimation, location, reconstruction, pointcloud, world, 3d, pose, landmarkThe MSR RGB-D Dataset 7-Scenes dataset is a collection of tracked RGB-D camera frames. The dataset may be used for evaluation of methods for different a...
video, kinect, location, reconstruction, depth, trackingThe Multi-illuminant Image Sequences dataset contains 16 video sequences (13 with single light source and 3 with two global light sources), recorded wi...
constancy, color, white, chromaticity, physics, nature, dichromatic, illumination, object, balance, lightThis is a subset of the dataset introduced in the SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 paper, Webcam Clip Art: Appearance and Illuminant Transfer from Time-lapse Sequence...
urban, nature, time, webcam, video, illumination, change, static, camera, lightThe SAMANTHA (Structure-and-Motion Pipeline on a Hierarchical Cluster Tree) dataset contains 4 sequences for 3D reconstruction: Pozzoveggiani, Piazza Da...
3d reconstruction, geometry, sfm, landmark, model fittingAn evaluation benchmark for dense MVS for these datasets fountain-P11, Herz-Jesu-P8, entry-P10, castle-P19, Herz-Jesu-P25, castle-P30 . Images (correc...
3d reconstruction, benchmark, sfm, depth, dense, meshYahoo Flickr Creative Commons 100M (YFCC100M) dataset contains a list of photos and videos. This list is compiled from data available on Yahoo! Flickr. ...
internet, reconstruction, recognition, image, community, social, 3d, clustering, detection, flickr, landmarkThe Person Re-ID (PRID) 2011 dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-identifi...
trajectory, graz, illumination, pedestrian, change, appearance, identification, classification, multiviewThe HCI 4D Lightfields dataset contains 11 objects with corresponding lightfields for depth estimation. Datasets can be downloaded individually below....
3d, benchmark, evaluation, reconstruction, depth, 4d, lightfieldThe Google Street View Pittsburgh Research dataset is a street-level image collection provided by Google for research purposes. The dataset provided ...
panorama, pittsburgh, urban, 3d reconstruction, sfmThe MSR Action datasets is a collection of various 3D datasets for action recognition. See details
video, detection, 3d, action, reconstruction, recognitionAiguille du Midi. France showing photographs with Camera: Mamiya ZD. 55mm. - Resolution: 5Mpixels, 53 images - Photographer: B. Vallet (Imagine/EVD - 20...
3d reconstruction, large scale, sfm, outdoor, meshThe NYU-Depth data set is comprised of video sequences from a variety of indoor scenes as recorded by both the RGB and Depth cameras from the Microsoft ...
semantic segmentation, kinect, label, reconstruction, depthThe following are multiview stereo data sets captured in our lab: a set of images, camera parameters and extracted apparent contours of a single rigid o...
3d reconstruction, sfm, depth, dense, meshThe Symmetric Bundle Adjustment dataset contains four sequences of the CAB building, Barcelona, Redmond and Capitole for 3D reconstruction considering s...
urban, 3d reconstruction, symmetry, sfm, bundle adjustmentZurich City Hall dataset (also CIPA dataset) nformation: Place: City Hall, Zurich, Switzerland Number of Images: 15, 1280 x 1000 pixels Camera: Fuj...
urban, 3d reconstruction, photogrammetry, sfm, zurichFor the first few decades of the fields existence, computer vision has been focused on algorithmic, logical approaches to perception. But it was only wi...
object, 3d, kinect, reconstruction, depth, recognition, indoorThis repository contains labeled 3-D point cloud laser data collected from a moving platform in a urban environment. Data are provided for research purp...
urban, 3d reconstruction, laser, semantic segmentation, sfmThe Rent3D dataset comprises floorplans and images. The goal of this work is to enable a 3D virtual-tour of an apartment given a small set of monocular ...
building, urban, reconstruction, floorplan, layout, apartment, indoor