
ISPRS and EuroSDR - Benchmark on High Density Aerial Image Matching Background and Scope of the project Innovations in matching algorithms as well as the increasing quality of digital airborne cameras considerably improved the quality of elevation data generated automatically from aerial images. This development motivated the launch of the joint ISPRS/EuroSDR project Benchmark on High Density Aerial Image Matching aiming at evaluating the potential of photogrammetric 3D data capture in view of the ongoing developments of software for automatic image matching. Basic scope is the evaluation of 3D point clouds and DSM produced from aerial images with different software systems. Such a comparative evaluation provides a platform for software developers to demonstrate the state-of-the-art of their ongoing developments. Furthermore, it can help potential users like National Mapping and Cadastral agencies (NMCAs), which consider a state-wide-generation of high quality DSMs to understand the applicability of such tools while triggering further developments based on their needs. As a joint test data set subsets of three aerial image blocks are provided. Two data sets cover nadir imagery, which are captured at different landuse and block geometry, while the third data set includes oblique aerial images. Access to the data is provided by a ftp-server hosted by the Institute for Photogrammetry. After the participant has filled out the registration form including a signed user agreement, the password will be provided by mail from the point of contact. * Vaihingen/Enz * Munich city * Zurich city ISPRS/EuroSDR Project Group Dense Image Matching c/o Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Haala Institute for Photogrammetry Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24D 70174 Stuttgart Phone : +49-711-685-83383 Fax : +49-711-685-83297 Norbert.Haala[at]

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