
We provide the three datasets used for testing our system for our ICCV 2007 publication, including annotations. Data was recorded using a pair of AVT Marlins mounted on a chariot, with a resolution of 640 x 480 (bayered), and a framerate of 13--14 FPS. For each dataset, we provide the unbayered images for both cameras, the camera calibration, as well as the set of annotations. Depth maps were created based on this data using the publicy available belief-propagation-based stereo algorithm of Huttenlocher and Felzenszwalb (note: this has no occlusion handling built in, if you know of a better, publicly available stereo algorithm, please contact me). The annotation files available here contain a total of 12298 annotated pedestrians. Please note that for our testing environment, we chose to only use the subset of annotations with a height greater than 50 pixels (= 10958). We deeply appreciate the help of Martin Vogt in annotating this large amount of data. Andreas Ess, Bastian Leibe, and Luc van Gool, Depth and Appearance for Mobile Scene Analysis, ICCV 2007 New:

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